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Главная » 2009 » Январь » 25 » Keri Noble - Keri Noble (2009)
Keri Noble - Keri Noble (2009)

Keri Noble - Keri Noble (2009)

Label: -
Catalog#: -
Country: -
Genre, Style: Jazz
Release Date: 2009
Format: MP3, VBR kbps
Size: 48 mb


Sometimes, finding the inner voice that speaks the greatest truth can be a long and challenging process. For singer-songwriter Keri Noble, the Detroit native who has made her home in Minneapolis and has made her creative mark on both sides of the globe with two critically innovative and critically acclaimed recordings, the search has paid off.

"I've come this far to get to a place that feels like a beginning," says Noble, who will make her Telarc debut with the February 3rd release of her self-titled album.

With that new beginning comes a sense of freedom. Hampered in the past by the preconceptions and unrealistic expectations of record executives and marketing operatives, her transition to Telarc puts her in a place that feels much more empowered, much more free than she’s ever felt in the four years since her recording career began.

"I feel different now than I've ever felt at any other point in my career," she says. "I feel in control of the things that I can control, and I'm totally aware of the places where I have no business trying to exert control. I'm excited to be able to create again after being in a place where I didn't feel a whole lot of joy about the process. I'm generally not one of those annoyingly happy people you often run into, but right now, when it comes to my music, I do feel very happy about where I am."

It's no accident that Keri Noble's third release is the first to be named after her. More now than at any other time in her career, her voice is her own, and she's able to declare exactly who she is and what she's about. "I feel free to be the artist that I am, and also the artist that I can be," she says. "I don't feel any pressure to try to fit into some mold. I just feel very free."


1. Watch Me Walk
2. Emily
3. Ooh-Oh
4. Word Got Out
5. Red Wine 'Til Daylight
6. Born Again
7. Remember My Name
8. Last Warning
9. Go Proud
10. Simple Things
11. Life No. 9 [Live]

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Категория: jazz, swing, jazz-funk | Просмотров: 1195 | Добавил: MfMM | Теги: Keri Noble | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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