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Главная » 2009 » Апрель » 3 » Celtic Cross - Hicksville Remastered and Remixed (2009)
Celtic Cross - Hicksville Remastered and Remixed (2009)

Celtic Cross - Hicksville Remastered and Remixed (2009)

Celtic Cross - Hicksville Remastered and Remixed

Label: Liquid Sound Design (LSD)
Catalog#: BFLCD89
Country: -
Genre, Style: Downtempo, Dub, Goa Trance, Ambient
Release Date: 30 March 2009
Format: MP3, VBR kbps
Size: 107 mb


Celtic Cross was born out of a concept album I wanted to produce that illustrated the musical...
...esoteric and cultural correspondences between ancient Celtic culture and ancient Indian culture, this was soon overtaken with some more diverse influences including a potent tab of Californian LSD that went by the same name! I enlisted the help of a small army of contributors, mainly from the hub of my then recording studio Butterfly on Brixton Road, South London. This was the studio and nexus that captured the zeitgeist of the moment and become the mothership that spawned a thousand imitations.
Simon Posford, the legend that he is now, was just establishing a name as Hallucinogen and was former head engineer at Butterfly. He was joined by the current in house head honcho, Ott; a formidable partnership that was brilliantly augmented by Orb helmsman mixer Greg Hunter, a veteran of many productions with myself.
I have been devotedly assisted by junior rising stars Natalie, Sheldon, Carrie and Junior and helped by guitar maestro Saul from the band James; having just finished recording their album seven.
At the time, we had done so many mixes and remixes we couldnt fit them all on the album. So for the first time we present the whole mother load of original mixes, with the whole shabongel remastered loving as well!
Hicksville has stood the test of time admirably, still sounding fresh and unique with a beautiful production to boot! Its still heard and requested at festivals and parties around the world.


01. Mundis Imaginalis (Tribal Dawn Mix)
02. Khatmandu (Iona On The Ganges Mix)
03. Jade Gates (Beauty Knows No Pain Mix)
04. Mundis Imaginalis (Flowercolouredpowerchild Mix)
05. Schwazz (Until Nothing Can Reach Us Mix)
06. Straight For The Jiggular (Crystal Journey Mix)
07. Mundis Imaginalis (The Acoustic Mix)
08. Khatmandu (Short Cut Mix)
09. Digajigg (Babba G Mix)

Скачать / Download - для ознакомления:
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"Without music, life would be a mistake…"
Категория: ambient, darkwave, meditative | Просмотров: 1400 | Добавил: To4ka | Теги: Liquid Sound Design, Celtic Cross | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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