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Главная » 2010 » Апрель » 8 » Datapunk full label
Datapunk full label

Label: Datapunk
Catalog#: DTP 01 - 35 and DTP LTD 1 - 12
Format: Vynyl 12", EP, CD, Compilation.
Country: Germany
Released: 2003-2009
Genre: Electronic
Style: Techno, Electro, Leftfield
Quality: Vbr kbps, 320 kbps, Flac
Playing Time: 01 day 04 hour 48 minute
Size: ~ 3.5 Gb
Info: German Techno Label Founded & Managed By Anthony Rother


DTP 001 Anthony Rother Back Home (12") Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 002 Johannes Heil Featuring Marcellus Nealy Changes / The World (12") Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 03-3 Various In Electro We Trust - A Datapunk Compilation (3x12", Comp, Ltd) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 04-2 Anthony Rother Popkiller (CD, Album) [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 05-6 Gregor Tresher Firewalls / Firebutton Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 06-2 Johannes Heil The World (CD, Album, Mixed) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 06-3 Johannes Heil The World (Album) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 007 Anthony Rother Simon Says (We All Equal) / When The Sun Goes Down (12", Promo) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 08-6 Gregor Tresher Still E.P. (12", EP) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 09-6 Boys Noize Are You In? (12") Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 10-2 Gregor Tresher Neon: Works In The Mix (CD, Album, Mixed) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 10-3 Gregor Tresher Neon (EP) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 11-6 Bodzin | Huntemann Black Sun (12") Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 13-6 Billy Nasty Imperfection (12") Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 14-6 Xenia Beliayeva Ultra Glamour (12") [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 15-2 Anthony Rother Super Space Model (CD, Album) [flac]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 17-6 Väth + Rother Springlove (12") [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 18-6 Terence Fixmer Hold Me (12") Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 19-2 Artist Unknown Present (Album) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 19-6 Artist Unknown Present Part 1 (12") Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 20-6 Artist Unknown Present Part 2 (12") Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 21-6 Anthony Rother Moderntronic E.P. (12", EP) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 23-6 Kiko Tragolta E.P. (12", EP) [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 24-6 Xenia Beliayeva Hellraiser (12") [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 25-2 Anthony Rother We Are Punks (3xCD, Comp, Mixed + Box) [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru: part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6.
DTP 26-3 Various Various Punks Volume_A (Comp) [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 27-6 Xenia Beliayeva Music (12") [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 28-2 Anthony Rother We Are Punks 2 (2xCD, Comp, UnMixed) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 28-6 Various We Are Punks 2 (12", Comp) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 029-6 Frank Kusserow The Core / Atomsplit (12") [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 030-6 Dibaba Jackie Collins Style EP (12", EP)
DTP 031-6 Anthony Rother Don't Panic (12") [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 032 Hell + Rother Bodyfarm (12") [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 033-6 Pig & Dan Dreams Of Bells / Subculture (12") [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 034 Anthony Rother We Are Punks 3 (12", Comp) [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 034CD Anthony Rother We Are Punks 3 (CD, Comp, Mixed) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP 035 Anthony Rother When The Sun Goes Down (Underground Resistance Remixes) (12") [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
Datapunk Limited

DTP LTD 001 Soundfreaks Alan Smithee Band EP (10", Pic, Promo, Ltd) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 002 Anthony Rother Synthetic / Young Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 003 Anthony Rother Simon Says / When The Sun Goes Down (12", Pic, Ltd) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 004 Anthony Rother Gott / Luzifer (12", Pic, Ltd) [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 005 Datapunk Rockstars Klartext (12", S/Sided, Ltd) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 006 Hell + Anthony Rother German Bodymachine Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 007 Väth + Rother SpringLove (12", Pic, Ltd) [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 008 Anthony Rother Moderntronic E.P. (12", EP, Ltd) [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 009 Rother vs. Beliayeva Don't Worry / Roses (12", Ltd) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 010 Anthony Rother So Good [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 011 Anthony Rother Dance! (12", Ltd) [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 012 Beuys Von Telekraft Digital Vision / My Name Is Telekraft (12", TP) [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 2005-6 Anthony Rother This Is Electro (12", Ltd) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 2005-9 Anthony Rother This Is Electro (Works 1997 - 2005) (2xCD) Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru
DTP LTD 2006 Anthony Rother Sleep (12", S/Sided, W/Lbl) [320kbps]Letitbit.net | iFolder.ru

[320 kbps] - релизы в качестве 320 килобит.
[flac] - релизы в лосслесс качестве (он только один - DTP 15-2 ).
Не выделеные релизы в качестве ниже 320 килобит.

Категория: techno, acid, minimal | Просмотров: 1044 | Добавил: Bassdubass | Теги: Anthony Rother, Datapunk | Рейтинг: 4.6/10
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