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Главная » 2012 » Июль » 30 » Grand Salvo – Slay Me in My Sleep (2012)
Grand Salvo – Slay Me in My Sleep (2012)
Grand Salvo – Slay Me in My Sleep (2012)

Artist: Grand Salvo
Album: Slay Me in My Sleep
Label: Preservation
Year: 2012
Genre: Indie Folk, Singer-Songwriter
Quality: 320 Kbps
Format: mp3
Size: 110 Mb


01. The old woman and the boy. 0:25
02. She woke at three with a thumping heart: she had dreamed once more of the night they met. (19th of May, 1928, Chateau de Chaalis, Seine-et-Marne) 2:19
03. She was also watching on the occasion of his first break in. His face was lit by the moon, and was so familiar she'd thought he was a ghost. 2:42
04. She quietly makes her way down the stairs as he rummages away in the room. 0:20
05. She stands in the dark for a long time. 2:05
06. Two cups sit on the table, the kettle is on and the bread is toasting. As the sky lightens she falls for a third time.1:26
07. He raises her gently into a chair. She tells him how to make a sling for her arm using a tea towel. As he works she marvels at his face. 3:10
08. They sit facing each other at the kitchen table. He notices she is missing a finger. 3:43
09. "What's that in your pocket?" "A photo" "Of who?" "I dont know" 1:42
10. With the photograph lying between them, she tells him her story and they talk for a long time. 4:03
11. The boy's story of his faithful family dog. 3:37
12. The story of May 20th, 1929. 2:54
13. How, three days later, she wandered heartbroken and ruined into a mountain village. Overlooking the village was an Abbey. 3:52
14. The lament of the regretful ghost. 4:25
15. She asks him to pack her a bag for hospital. In her bedroom he finds a great wardrobe filled with all the beautiful clothes of her youth. He also finds a single suit 2:57
16. He leads her by the arm in the old manner out into the music and the dancing light. She asks him, so he whispers something he thinks he might have said. 3:42

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Категория: rock music | Просмотров: 367 | Добавил: skitalec | Теги: Preservation, Grand Salvo | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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