11:41 MGMT - Congratulations (2010) | |
Label: Columbia
Notes: Congratulations unlocks a new musical world whirling in its own space/time grid infused with hints of music from the past five decades. Produced by MGMT and Sonic Boom (Spacemen 3, E.A.R., Spectrum), Congratulations features Andrew Vanwyngarden and Ben Goldwasser, MGMT's core duo, performing with Matt Asti (bass, backing vocals), Will Berman (drums, backing vocals), and James Richardson (guitar, backing vocals), the band's live line-up. Congratulations is the successor to MGMT's Oracular Spectacular, the 2008 debut album. Soulful and complex, Congratulations is a surprising and delightful quantum step forward in MGMT's ongoing pop revolution. This limited edition includes a 32-page booklet with photos and lyrics, a scratch-off front cover and custom metal coin. Tracklist: 1. "It's Working"
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