Filmtales promises to be a unique listening experience. With scant regard for traditional genre confinements, the album is a collection of vocal and instrumental songs, breathtaking string arrangements, haunting vocals and moving beats. The album boasts collaborations with Steve Mason (Beta Band), Richard Colburn (Belle & Sebastian), Jenna (Un-cut, Shapeshifters) and Mercury Prize nominee Isobel Campbell. Paul makes original music that fans of Massive Attack to Mozart will appreciate. Imagine a fusion of John Barry, the Go! Team and Portishead, and you might start to get an idea of this incredible album. It s as refreshing as it is unpredictable, the juiciness of the compositions render this an addictive listen.
01. Wilderness (Featuring Isobel Campbell) 02. Seen From The Outside 03. All For You (Featuring Esther O'Connor) 04. Sienna 05. Snatcher 06. Like A Bullet Through The Head 07. Camera 08. No Peace Of Mind (Featuring Jenna G) 09. Elektra 10. Sweet Denial 11. Standing Up (Featuring Steve Mason)
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