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Главная » 2011 » Февраль » 6 » Seefeel - Seefeel (2011)
Seefeel - Seefeel (2011)
Seefeel - Seefeel (2011)

Label: Warp Records
Catalog#: WARPCD205
Country: -
Genre, Style: Ambient / IDM / Dub
Release Date: 01/01/2011
Format: MP3, 320 kbps
Size: 107 mb


Seminal band Seefeel have followed their first UK show in 14 years and teaser single 'Faults' by today announcing the release of their first album since 1996's '(CH-VOX)'.
The self-titled album, to be released on 7th February 2011, was born out of an incendiary performance at Warp Records' 20th anniversary celebrations in Paris last year.
Warp co-founder Steve Beckett explains: "Seefeel were the first band that Warp signed who had guitars - they were brave to sign to us because they became the 'older siblings' in the family and took all the flak by breaking the unwritten rules of an (up until then) purely dance label. After 1995's 'Succour' they stopped performing live, but we always kept in touch and then for the first Warp20 show in Paris we asked if they would play".
Describing their performance in Paris as 'unbelievable', he asked the band to make another record as they came offstage. "They came back six months later - not just with a record, but a great record. This band needs to be heard, they need to be seen so that's why we got involved again. Family members might leave for a long time but they always come home."
Watch the newly invigorated Seefeel performing at last year's Warp20 Paris event (the performance which prompted the new album)
Seefeel have also announced a new live date on the eve of the album's release - they will headline London's King's Place on 31st January.
The Times said of their recent ICA show: "The rebooted Seefeel packed out the ICA for their first British show in 13 years and though once associated with the blissful abstraction of the "showgazing" scene, they were clearly not aiming for dreamy euphoria. EP track Crowded (closed) the set with an exhilarating collision of horror-movie noises and floor-shuddering beats. the sense-scouring intensity was hard to fault."


01. O-on One 1:03
02. Dead Guitars 6:25
03. Step Up 1:04
04. Faults 5:45
05. Gzaug 2:48
06. Rip-run 7:02
07. Making 5:53
08. Step Down 0:52
09. Airless 5:42
10. Aug30 5:47
11. Sway 9:18

Дополнительная информация о релизе:

"Музыка – народная потребность." - Бетховен
Категория: ambient, darkwave, meditative | Просмотров: 643 | Добавил: To4ka | Теги: Warp Records, Seefeel | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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