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Главная » 2010 » Ноябрь » 17 » The Black And White Years - Patterns (2010)
The Black And White Years - Patterns (2010)
The Black And White Years - Patterns (2010)

Label: The Black And White Years
Catalog#: -
Country: -
Genre, Style: Indie, Electronic
Release Date: 16 Nov 2010
Format: MP3, VBR kbps
Size: 84 mb


“If you want to dance I could help you out … If you want to dance I will dance I’ll give that a try ” intones masterfully showy Black and White Years front man Scott Butler on the title track off “Patterns,” over a choir of synthesizers and a surgery-precise beat. Butler tells no falsehoods — “Patterns,” the full-length follow-up to the quartet’s Jerry Harrison-produced debut, is rich with interweaving dance grooves and excursions into electronica. It’s almost as though the Black and White Years set out to make a better Ghostland Observatory record than Ghostland Observatory. Just examine the club-friendly thump of “Animal Behaviors” as evidence.

So singular is its sound that “Patterns,” at 45 minutes, veers into monotony at times — it could use a bit of the variety that characterized the band’s self-titled first album. But even when “Patterns” drags, it always has the benefit of Butler’s songwriting. In a way that belies the shallow standards of the lion’s share of dance rock, it’s sharp and thoughtful and sometimes self-deprecating, as on the endearingly cautious optimism of “Everything’s Eventual” (“What’s this? A smile? Goodness it must have been a while.”) Chuck in the band’s fiendish tightness and the clean production of Butler, band mate Landon Thompson and Austin recorder extraordinaire Erik Wofford and you’ve got an almost insolently funky record.”


1. Up!
2. Thick As Thieves
3. Patterns
4. Animal Behaviors
5. Perfect
6. Luck and Timing
7. The Quintessential Twenty Something
8. Cold
9. Silence Is Our Medicine
10. Unwritten
11. Helen
12. Everything’s Eventual
13. Promises

Дополнительная информация о релизе:

"Without music, life would be a mistake…"
Категория: rock music | Просмотров: 614 | Добавил: MfMM | Теги: The Black And White Years | Рейтинг: 4.5/2
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