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Главная » 2009 » Октябрь » 19 » VA - Connections 2009
VA - Connections 2009

Connections 2009

Label: ~scape
Catalog#: -
Country: -
Genre, Style: Ambient / Downtempo / IDM / Techno
Release Date: 2009
Format: MP3, 320 kbps
Size: 120 mb


The first Unsound Minsk in May 2007 was a revelation for Western European artists who performed, as well as the local audience. It was an event that via (mostly) electronic music created a spontaneous and strong route directly between the Belarus capital and the rest of Europe. Pole – Stefan Betke – was one of the artists who performed on that night. Together, Unsound, Betke and the Minsk team IN-Touch decided to take things further, to join Belarus producers and musicians with their counterparts from Germany, Poland, the UK, Switzerland and Sweden to form new collaborative projects. The artists on this CD travelled to Minsk for a week at the end of September, giving workshops and working on recording sessions with Belarus artists, working in a variety of music genres.
This CD is the result, a very diverse collection of tracks recorded in Minsk and mastered in Berlin. On the one hand imbued with a dark, heavy atmosphere, at times the music here is also playful, revealing the talent and energy of the Belarus artists, as well as the open minds of everyone involved. The project has led to releases beyond this compilation, and the continuation of forged collaborations. It promises the opening of more channels, more connections.
Mat Schulz, Krakow, 2009

Supported by: European Cultural Foundation (ECF), Pro Helvetia, Goethe Institute Minsk, Swedish Institute.


1. Pinch Meets PavelAmbiont - Poison / Remedy
2. I/Dex vs Pole - Minsk
3. The National Fanfare of Kadebostany - Untitled
4. MILF meets Minorscene - Constans (white jack dub)
5. Jacek Sienkiewicz & Arciom Kavaleuski feat. Minorscene - Alfabet
6. Kassian Troyer - Plant Shift
7. Buben vs Herman Muntzing - Counterbalance
8. The Vulva String Quartet w Eugene, B Twisted, Uladzimir Likhashapka - Live at Café Planeta

Скачать / Download - для ознакомления:
download at scape-music.de

Ф.Ницше "Без музыки жизнь была бы ошибкой..."
Категория: ambient, darkwave, meditative | Просмотров: 899 | Добавил: MfMM | Теги: Connections, scape | Рейтинг: 4.5/2
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