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Главная » 2009 » Январь » 24 » Mr. Confuse - Feel The Fire (2008)
Mr. Confuse - Feel The Fire (2008)

Mr. Confuse - Feel The Fire (2008)

Label: Légère Recordings
Catalog#: -
Country: Germany
Genre, Style: Funk, Soul, Broken Beat, Jazz
Release Date: 2008
Format: MP3, VBR kbps
Size: 90 mb

Press Release:

Mr. Confuse is a traveller between the styles. "Feel The Fire" is the debut solo album by the producer, arranger, composer and DJ from Hannover Germany. Collecting 14 tracks on his album Mr. Confuse takes us on an excursion from Hip Hop to Afro, Electro and Latin back to Funk. "Feel The Fire" comes as an organic statement for the analogue link between Hip Hop and Funk as well as an authentic and up-to-date plea for the original brass arrangements in the Funk and Jazz music of the Seventies.

As part of the producer team Breakout, Mr. Confuse was already a household name in the Funk and HipHop community in 2006. His idea to reinterpret Afrika Bambaataa's "Planet Rock" as a Funk tune and in a Jazz-Breaks version gained Breakout massive international attention. Breakout split in spring 2007 and released their last 7" "The Funky Goofball/Lyve Wire" during the summer of that year. Mr. Confuse kept being a requested producer. He had numerous contributions for compilations ("Brazilectro”, "Battle Of The Year”, "Viertelbar”, etc.) and released three Mix-CDs ("Catch The Beat", "Confunktion" and "Brazilian Cuts"), using a wide spectrum of styles.

Mr. Confuse decided to produce "Feel The Fire" in a kind of style which is typical for HipHop: "I work sampler based. You look for parts of drum loops and other pieces in a record and build new music from it. This album was created in exactly that way." But sampling alone is not enough: "When the structure is there I will go and meet the musicians I work with. I work pretty much autodidactic and very intuitive - this can turn out really bizarre from time to time. Sometimes I'm humming or buzzing the melody I'm looking for to the musicians. I do not play an instrument myself, except that I use the MIDI-keyboard to be able to work with plug-ins and think of melody and rhythm. The musicians I work with will turn the ideas which I have in my head into music."

This concept is as exciting as it is hard work: "I will return to my sampler with what the musicians played and often do a completely new cut. You may say that I use a musician as a sample library." Consequently recording "Feel The Fire" took quite some time, exactly "from the end of 2006 up to January 2008. In the end the complete album consists of about 10000 samples now. To finish an album like that is a matter of sweat and tears ...".

So it comes as no surprise that Mr. Confuse can very clearly define his references and inspiration: "At the moment everything is Electro or Techno actually, at least whre I am based. The sound is very much Eighties, so clean, full of synthies and 808 programming. When we did Breakout in the summer of 2005 we felt completely different. It was all too clean for us, especially the mixes. I draw my influences from HipHop and I want to work on something I can identify with. HipHop is pretty much the only style I like in the Eighties, apart from Punk probably. Today everything sounds so calculated. It was the snare in the Eighties, today it is the kick drum. What I tried is to transfer the idea, better say the musical basis of HipHop, from the Nineties back to today. This is what it was like in the Nineties: HipHop tried to transform the sounds of the Sixties and Seventies into the here and now. So it was just natural for me that I tried to keep my sound dirty like it was in the Sixties and Seventies. My main idea by doing songs like "Planet Rock” or "Lookout Weekend” was to put the Eighties back into Seventies or Sixties by using technology of the Nineties – got it!? In the UK and elsewhere there are so many new bands who release handmade organic sounding Sixties and Seventies music right now and I think that is brilliant – it sounds authentic!"

"Feel The Fire" will be released as a download and on CD, as well as a limited edition double vinyl album. The first single "Lookout Weekend" is coming with remixes by Lack Of Afro and Mash & Munkee, the second single "Imóvel" will feature mixes by Rephrase, Smoove, AIFF and The Afro Latin Vintage Orchestra.


01. Hurricane Jane (Introduction)
02. Lookout Weekend
03. Going Somewhere
04. Balkan Funk
05. It's Just A Blues
06. Do It Right Now
07. Lay It Down
08. Feel The Fire
09. En Movimiento
10. Groovin' On The Spot
11. The Groove Merchant
12. When I Hear Music
13. Imovel
14. The Arrrgh Theme (Outroduction)

Скачать / Download - для ознакомления:
rapidspread.com (8 зеркал)

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Категория: reggae, dub, soul, funk, disco | Просмотров: 1684 | Добавил: MfMM | Теги: Légère Recordings, Mr. Confuse | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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